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  Surviving Illness Away From Home

  Being ill is a horrible thing at the best of times, but what is even worse is when you are ill away from home. If you're living away from home or abroad, it's important to get better at your own pace in order to ensure you can enjoy the rest of your time away.

  ①Pampering(娇惯)yourself is always a good start. If you feel so ill and tired that you can't even get out of bed, then don't! Make a trip to the kitchen and stock up on fluids and try to make yourself some hot food. The key to getting better is to drink lots of fluids. Water and hot drinks such as green tea and soup are usually the best things.

  ②Try to distract yourself from feeling horrible. If you have a TV, watch one of your favorite films or TV series. If you don't have a TV, maybe put the radio on. If you have a headache and all the noise is too much to handle, try reading the book you've always wanted to read but never had the time to. Being ill doesn't have to be the worst day in the world!

  ③Tell your friends and family that you are ill. Sometimes there is nothing better than hearing words of comfort from loved ones who feel sorry for you and want to cheer you up and make you happy. There is nothing wrong with a little attention from others when you're ill. Who knows, they might even be willing to travel and visit you with lots of "Get Well" presents like your favorite food, magazine or flowers.

  ④When you do arrive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exactly where the nearest drugstore is. If you are in a foreign country, it might be best to translate a few useful phrases before you start asking for a cure.

  Task 1



  A.Taking good care of yourself

  B.Staying in bed for the entire day

  C.Taking your attention away from illness

  D.Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E.Informing friends and family or your illness


  【解析】第一段第一句Pampering(娇惯)yourself is always a good start. 娇惯自己,在生病的时候躺在床上,做点热乎的饭菜,喝点热水等等都表明,应该在生病的时候好好照顾自己。



  A.Taking good care of yourself

  B.Staying in bed for the entire day

  C.Taking your attention away from illness

  D.Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E.Informing friends and family or your illness


  【解析】第二段首句Try to distract yourself from feeling horrible.表明试着让自己从糟糕的感觉中转移注意力。因此选择C选项。



  A.Taking good care of yourself

  B.Staying in bed for the entire day

  C.Taking your attention away from illness

  D.Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E.Informing friends and family or your illness


  【解析】第三段首句Tell your friends and family that you are ill. E选项正确。



  A.Taking good care of yourself

  B.Staying in bed for the entire day

  C.Taking your attention away from illness

  D.Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E.Informing friends and family or your illness


  【解析】第四段首句When you do arrive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exactly where the nearest drugstore is. 当你到达一个你要待几个月的新地方时,确保你确切知道最近的药店在哪里。因此选择D选项。

  Task 2

  20.【题干】Being sick away from home is _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】Being ill is a horrible thing at the best of times, but what is even worse is when you are ill away from home. 第一段首句:即使在最好的情况下生病也是一件可怕的事,但更糟糕的是你又生病了,又不在家。因此生病不在家是一件可怕的事情,选择D选项。

  21.【题干】You are advised to recover _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】it's important to get better at your own pace in order to ensure you can enjoy the rest of your time away. recover恢复=get better,因此选择B选项。

  22.【题干】The best cure for illness is _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】Water and hot drinks such as green tea and soup are usually the best things.因此选择C选项。

  23.【题干】If you cannot bear the noise from TV, _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】If you have a headache and all the noise is too much to handle, try reading the book you've always wanted to read but never had the time to. 如果觉得电视的声音太吵闹,那就读一本你一直想读的书。

  24.【题干】A few useful translated phrases help you _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】If you are in a foreign country, it might be best to translate a few useful phrases before you start asking for a cure. 如果你在国外,在你寻求治疗之前最好翻译一些有用的短语。asking for a cure=ask for a medicine。

  25.【题干】You can buy medicine _____.


  A.ask for medicine

  B.at your own pace

  C.water and hot drinks

  D.a terrible experience

  E.at a nearby drugstore

  F.read your favorite book

  G.suffer from a cold


  【解析】When you do arrive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exactly where the nearest drugstore is. drugstore 药店,你可以在药店买药。











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